Monday, June 25, 2007

Eco Pre-School Awarded nearly £300,000

Fantastic News, we heard today that the local Pre-School I am involved with has been successful in £300,000 of funding to build a new, bespoke Eco building on the grounds of the Primary School. We are all over the moon and looking forward to being in our new building soon. Its taken over ten years to get this far. I'm looking forward to seeing the grass roof grow and attract wildlife, for the hemp walls to take shape and for our solar generated hot water and electricity.

I'm also hoping that I will be able to use the facilities for after school care for the children so that I can then get the opportunity to go on some of the 'green' Trade Fairs and conferences and maybe do some more training.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Rachel ~ that's fantastic news ;-)
